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Ladies’ Dining Course

December 10, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

You are warmly invited to a beautiful dining experience which will be held virtually on Tuesday 10th December 2024.
❤️Elegant dinner party
❤️Live, virtual, zoom
❤️Learn correct dining etiquette in the American style, both technical and social (the technical would really be incomplete if you didn’t also perfect the social part)
❤️And how to WOW at a dining event
You will leave with:
✨Beautiful new acquaintances
✨Beautiful dining etiquette
✨A high-level repertoire of skills to be the confident, graceful, charming woman at any party
✨The best part is that these skills will be internalised (not painted on, or donned for the occasion), so they are part of you
✨So your authentic, amazing, fabulous self can shine in any company.
I’m delighted to host this event, as it will be fun and extremely informative, and I know how much it can do for you!
To reserve your place, email info@swissetiquette.com


December 10, 2024
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Event Categories:
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